Collection and distribution of food

The number of hungry children living in extreme poverty is increasing the fastest way in our country among European Union members. Not only children cannot get normal food but homeless people as well. We help starving people by collecting food, and distributing hot food.

We collect and transport it where it is the most needed. We are looking forward to get more basic foodstuff offered: flour, sugar, oil, cocoa, milk preserved, etc., or any food which can be eaten, on the above address of us:

E-mail: or phone: +36 30 725 0364,

All types of donation counts!

Collecting activity of sustainable foodstuff

The CEDEK EMIH Israelite Charity Service is organizing collecting donations for people in need. A lot of people are calling us for whom it is a large challenge what to eat. So we are calling for collecting sustainable, basic foodstuff.

We need: flour, sugar, oil, pasta, cocoa, coffee, canned food, jam, biscuits, sweets, food which do not need freezing. We are also waiting for families with little children baby napkin, wet wipes and sanitary protection products.

It is important that donations must be unopened!

Besides the collecting of food we are organizing clothes and toys collection of which you can read here

You can take your donations at the following address:

1084 Budapest, Mátyás tér 6., (Olajág Idősotthon)

Every help counts!